Thursday, May 31, 2012

Birds of Bangladesh

                                                   The Bird Finds Food in the Bill

                                  Bangladesh is a land where various kinds of birds are found. We not know even the names of all birds. 

                                        There are birds living near our houses, in woods, marshy lands and hills. There are different in color, size and habit. Their food also is different. Some feed on worms and insects. Some feed on fish and flesh and some on fruits and grains.

                             Of all birds the crow is the most familiar. It is a cunning bird. It enters our rooms and steals odd things. Though it is an ugly bird, yet it is useful. It feeds on dead animals and many rotten and dirty things. 

                                      The cuckoo is, perhaps, the most popular song bird in our country. It visits us in spring. It is as black as the crow. It is called the harbinger of spring . It likes to sit in some shady grove and sings sweet songs.    
                                                          Beautiful Bird In the Tree
                            There are other birds such as the doel, the sparrow and the Bou-Katha-Kao. They are all singing birds. The doel is our national bird. The pigeon, the swan, the cock etc. are also nice birds and they are called domestic birds. The parrot, the myna, the chandana and the cockatoo are very fine looking birds. The kingfisher and the woodpecker are wild birds, yet they are well-known for their beauty. The pink crest of the woodpecker is very nice to look at.    

                                We catch and kill some other birds for their tasty flesh. These are called game bird. The dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the bitten, the heron, the partridge and the teal belong to this class. They are found in almost every part of Bangladesh.  

                               The kite, the hawk and some other birds have keen eyes and sharp nails. They swoop down upon their prey and carry it away. So they are called plundering birds.  

                            There are some other common birds which deserve special mention. The tuntuni, the babui and the swallow are called tailor birds because they show great skill in weaving their nests. The vulture is a big bird, but it is ugly in looks and habits. The owl is fierce looking but it is harmless. It never comes out in broad daylight and prowls only in the night.

                   Birds are wonderful gifts of Nature. Some birds are useful creature. Some birds are trained to sing or to amuse us by their songs and talks. We also eat the flesh and eggs of kinds of birds. 

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