Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Floods In Bangladesh

Flood Scene in Village Area

Flood is a natural calamity. It is almost an annual affair in Bangladesh. Bangladesh suffers from flood almost every year. Causes of flood are many. It is mainly caused by heavy showers of rain. Rivers and canals cannot carry the rain water to the sea rapidly. So there is a sudden increase of water in the rivers and canals which overflow their banks and cause flood. Floods may also be caused by cyclones, tidal bores or the melting of snow on mountains.

         Flood makes life miserable. It causes a big loss of life, property and crops. It sweeps over village and towns. Streets, roads and even peoples house go under water. People cannot go from one place to another. It washes away crops, vegetables and fruit trees and makes people homeless.
         Flood visits our country almost every year. The floods that occur ed in the years 1954, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1987 and 1988 were terrible. The flood of 1954 affected the whole of Bangladesh. It visited our country two times in 1968 and three times in 1984 and caused a huge loss to life and property. The flood of 1988 has broken all the records of losses. Ninety percent villages and towns were under water for several days.

Damage the Embankment in Flood

After flood, epidemic and famine break out. The areas affected by flood become muddy and unhealthy. So various kinds of diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid break out. There is scarcity of drinking water. The price of all daily necessities go up very high. Crops are washed away. So there is scarcity of food. But if the flood lasts for a very short time, it brings some good too. It makes the land fertile.

         In Bangladesh flood causes a huge loss every year. So it is urgently necessary to take proper steps for the prevention of flood. Both long and short-term plans can be taken for this. An efficient relief measure should be taken immediately. A well-planned irrigation system will go a long way to reduce the extent and fury of flood. We can also build our houses on a high level. The silted-up beds of our rivers should be excavated for carrying more water than at present.  

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